The deadly pole....dum dum dum.My life lately has been a lot of ups and downs. Needless to say, my emotions have also been all over the place (which Andrew will attest to) as well.
For example, I got some good news last week--I was moved to a full time position at my new job. I'm loving working with the moms & babies, and will love the increased cash flow that will inevitably come from full-time work. So, blessing there!
About an hour after that phone call, however, I crashed my car into a pole in my own parking lot. I hit the steel bar that holds the covered parking up (pictured above). The results of the fight: pole: 1, car: 0. Let's just say, a pole can do a lot of damage (over $3000 worth, in fact). And, not only was my poor car wounded, but my ego as well. I still feel like an idiot about the whole thing. And, to put the icing on the cake, the insurance company asked once if I was okay, but has called me at least three times to check if the pole was hurt. Nice.
So, I went from joyful to tearful in a matter of 60 minutes. Plus, I was on my way to a much needed hair appt, and ended up missing my haircut. Most girls can relate to how devastating this can be in and of itself. Thankfully, my car is at the car doctor as we speak and will be returned as good as new by Friday, and my hair will survive another couple of weeks until I can make a new appointment. Now, I'm just living in fear of the repercussions of it all from my car insurance...
From there, things went downhill--I lost a bunch of things that I still can't find and they're driving me crazy. But, I started working nights this past week--another blessing!--which I love and handle much better than 5 am day shifts. So, I'm still on an up and down sort of ride.
My dad, mom, & niece Ashlyn in Cancun this summer.
On a much lighter note--HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Dad! He is the best guy in the world and I love him so much. He's the most faithful, good-hearted, giving person in the world. He hates attention, but I don't think he's ever even seen this blog, so I'm sure he won't mind this little shout out :) Love you, Ed.