I promised another post that actually included pictures, and here it is! Or at least, here it begins. This may or may not actually get published a few days from now. But, it's progress!
A lot has been happening around here--or at least, some things have been happening, which was more than I can say of the last couple of months. We took a trip to California over Memorial Day weekend. Highlights of the trip included watching Ford (our new nephew)'s baby blessing, some extreme sunburns, seeing lots of wonderful family, flying with Isla for the first time, visiting the beach, and eating yummy food! It was a really fun trip and very nice to get out of the house for longer than a couple hours! Isla did really well on the plane ride--she slept both ways!--which I was SO relieved about. The only negative was the broken A/C on the flight there....let's just say, sweaty. Not good. It was a little stressful flying with all of the baby gear--I have a lot more empathy for parents who travel with multiple children now! I can't even imagine...
We've also been working on some home improvement projects. We (mostly Andrew) upholstered a headboard for our bed (DIY on the Design Sponge blog), weeded & mulched our yard, made a curtain for the kitchen window, and painted our kitchen chairs a fun dark purple. Things are starting to come together even more, and our next project is a gallery wall for our front room. Mostly Andrew, once again. Who knew I'd marry someone with more design sense than me? Glad I did, though!
And last, we've been taking lots and lots of pictures--of our trip, our little Isla, our house, etc. Speaking of Isla, she's been doing A LOT better, thank goodness! She still has her moments, and evenings are fussier than the rest of the day, but she is a much happier baby than she was a month ago, and I am SO beyond grateful for that! Especially since I go back to work in less than a week (yikes!). I don't feel as bad about leaving Andrew home alone with her all night than I would have before. She smiles all the time, especially when she wakes up, continues to be super gassy, is starting to want to stand and sit, is able to hold her head up pretty good, and is starting to demonstrate some semblance of a laugh now and then. I'm finally starting to enjoy motherhood like I should, rather than being stressed out all the time! One thing that still always brings tears, though, is her carseat. She HATES it. But, I guess I would, too.
Anyway, here are lots and lots of pictures (in no particular order...I'm too lazy to organize them! Sorry). Hope everyone is doing well--Enjoy!

So excited for Dad to be home from work!

Summer & her youngest, August, hangin' at the beach on Memorial Day.

Katie's newest addition, Ford. He is ADORABLE. I mean, look at that hair!

Isla just chillin with Grandpa at Sunday dinner.

Modeling the adorable onesie that my lovely friend, Camille, made for her! So cute.

For a while, I had this picture on my phone to remind myself that Isla is
sometimes a happy baby! She gives me these smiles a lot more frequently now, thankfully!

Nonny juggling Isla & August at the beach.

Swimwear model. Love it.

Hangin' out with Mommy all day. Looks like the is flipping off the camera, but not. She really was in another picture, ha.

Taking a walk in our lovely neighborhood now that the weather is (FINALLY) nice!

She has discovered that she really likes to eat her hands, which is fine with me :)

Our new purple kitchen chairs!

Crackin' up.

A very very rare carseat smile. I think she started crying about 30 seconds after this.

Wrapped in her "Miracle Blanket", ready for bed. We call her our little burrito. She actually seems to like it. Sidenote: our carpet looks kind of weird and green in this picture...I promise, it's not really like that...

The lovely headboard that my handyman of a husband made! I love it!

Our plants and landscaping by the garage. I wish we had taken a before picture, because it was overrun with weeds...looks SO much better now.

Same goes for the front of the house...

The kitchen curtain I made. Definitely took practically no skill at all!

A rare couple picture of Andrew and I in California! And, yes, my hair looks like I chopped it off. But, don't fret, it's just in a bun.

Practicing in the Bumbo! She's really wanting to sit up more, but can only hold her head up for a minute before it starts to droop.

Maybe I am biased, but is that not the cutest face ever? I am SOO happy that she is happier nowadays.