

So, my so cute sis-in-law, Summer, and her husband, Bryan came down to Utah for the weekend. Summer is David Archuleta's stylist and came down to help with his concert in Salt Lake. Andrew and I planned to meet Summer and Bryan for lunch on Saturday up in Salt Lake--Summer had said that we probably couldn't meet David, and we were okay with that since we didn't want to be annoying.

Well, on the way up, Summer called and said we could come by the place where she was helping David get ready for the concert and his upcoming international tour since she was still there! We were excited, to say the least. Let's just say I cried after he didn't win AI last season. We both think the kid's a stud. Well, after meeting him, he totally proved us right! He's the kindest, funniest, and most talented kid--and still so humble after all his success. So GO DAVID! Ha.


Amanda Jones said...

ohh I am so jealous!
I am glad he is as sweet as he seems

Ben, Ashley, and Nate said...

Hey, saw your blog and it's adorable! How fun!

Aubrey Messick said...

i love it!!!! what a fun pic.

mom "G" said...

You both look soooo cute!!!! Glad you had a wobderful time.

Joel and Claire said...

That is amazing... I think my little sister would pee her pants if she found out I knew someone who got to MEET the one and only DAVID ARCHULETA. I have to admit I would have loved to meet him myself! So fun!

Rasmussen Family said...

so adorable! Lucky for you guys to meet a big star:)

Glo said...

he is short.