
Growing up is hard to do.

With the newly engaged Camille, and recently returned sis-mish, Emily

Today I did lunch with three of my best friends in the whole world! All of whom I met while at BYU. I guess the cold weather of Provo was worth it in some aspects. Anyway, it was a sort of bittersweet reunion as Emily (right, above) has just returned from a mission in Spain, Camille (middle, above) just got ENGAGED and is moving to Texas after her wedding in late July, and Lauren (below) is preparing to move to New York to attend Columbia University's nursing program. I've got some pretty spiffy friends if I might say so myself :) We were missing one of the four original roommates--Amanda, we missed you! She is married and in the process of moving from Washington to California. Anyway, it was great to see them all and chat, and weird to realize we are all grown up! Sigh...

Lauren & I--She will be missed! I hope she survives New York better than I did...

For good ol' times' sake--the first day the "Wiz Kids", as we called ourselves, moved into our new apartment together.


Rasmussen Family said...

congrats to Camille!!

Amanda Jones said...

hooray for wiz kids!
I miss you guys so much, and boy look at all we have gone through!

ms-mclaws said...

haha i'm with Amanda... this picture cracks me up. We have sure had some good times... I love you lysal.