
Pretty Recipes.

So, for a class I am taking this Spring semester called Individual Studies--or something like that--I am assigned to spend 6 hours a week studying and learning something of my choice. It's supposed to emphasize "lifelong learning", which I am totally down with. For my learning, I am going to organize my recipes from my mom, grandmas, mother-in-law, etc, which I have been meaning to do for a long time. I'll also practice cooking some of the stuff occasionally for Andrew's benefit :) But, before I could begin, I of course needed a totally fab recipe card! Andrew saved the day, as always, and created me this cute little number with my insightful help. I am so much more excited about the daunting task ahead now!

PS--I also helped design my own stationary...I think I want to start my own line! he he. I'll call it Jane Austen, it's my font of choice.


Amanda Jones said...

these are so cute! If I had time and wasn't so lazy, I would steal these great cards and print them off for myself to write down recipes.

Diana Hulme said...

very cute. :) what a great project!

queenieweenie said...

Man you picked a good one!

beth said...

I am so excited for your recipe file!!!!! Darling cards!