

Okay, so I turned into a crazy person last night and decided to take both of my finals today. I felt slightly like I was in a manic phase (studying for a Psych exam--had to throw it in there) all day long. I woke up early, took my ICU final, then studied all day to take my Psych final. And they're done! There's no sweeter view than the one leaving the testing center, just days from Christmas, with the load of finals off my back. Ah.
  • Funny story about my first test (at least it's funny now): I came down to the TV to see my score and saw that I got a 52%--that's just not a common thing for me, and I felt pretty good about the test, so I started to freak out aka almost cry. I went back upstairs, feeling stupid, and said, "uh, I know this sounds dumb, but there's no way I did this bad." Long story short, the test was miskeyed and my score thankfully improved after it was corrected :).

Also, Andrew finished his last final exam today as well--and is done with college! I'm so proud of him, and am amazed at the differences in our brains. He is so creative and insightful when it comes to advertising. It's something I just don't get very well! So, I'm glad to have someone who compliments me so well.

Also, we've (or I've) been stressing out a lot lately about Andrew finding a job for next semester. After many prayers and hours of worrying, some promising opportunities are starting to arise. So, I'm grateful for that. I know that times of trial are to test and strengthen us, and if we do good, Heavenly Father always follows with blessings.

I can finally get into the Christmas spirit now, and start all the sewing projects, baking, books, organizing, etc. I've been eager to tackle. Yay!


Amanda Jones said...

how good that must feel to be done! Hooray for both of you! If you guys are around CA for break we should maybe get together

Glo said...

YAY!!! can we play now??

Camille said...

CONGRATS LYSAL! I liked that story about your test score. The day Elyse Rasumussen Garlock gets a 52% on a test is very, very dark day. I'm glad it worked out :)

Kristin said...

Thanks again for babysitting yesterday. You guys are the best. I hope you get lots of blessing for helping us out : )