
Gross. Be warned.

Here's an actual picture of me at clinical. People say I'm a great nurse.

Okay, so most of you know that I am in nursing school--mostly because it consumes my life the majority of the time. So, I've seen a LOT in nursing school...a lot of nasty stuff to be exact. And, as I was always advised, I have "gotten used" to most of the grimier aspects of nursing. One thing I have never been able to stomach though--vomiting. Bleh. All the nurses I have worked with seem so nonchalant about it. They clean it up, see it, no big deal. Not me--ask Andrew, I have a weird phobia of it.

So, I've always been sort of worried...will I be a bad/wimpy nurse? Or at least somewhat deficient because of this weakness. I have learned recently that the answer is no. Two reasons:

1) We met with the Life Flight nurses last week--they fly in the helicopter and treat/pick up really serious patients. Needless to say, they see some pretty intense stuff. Well, one of the Life Flight nurses said the one thing he can't handle is vomit! So, if he can't handle it, and he's the most hard core type of nurse out there, I think I'll be okay.

2) This is the gross part--stop reading if you want. I was in clinical this week and got to put an NG tube down a patient--this basically goes through your nose, down your throat, to your stomach to suck stuff out. Anyway, because of where the tube passes--the back of the throat--it tends to make people gag. Or worse, vomit. I had heard this before, and I was pretty nervous as I went to insert the tube on this patient. So, my worst nightmare happened...you can guess what it is. And it was bad--everywhere, on me, bleh. Bleh bleh bleh. BUT, I totally kept my cool! I don't even know why or how...maybe the adrenaline of the situation and that I had to still get the tube down. Anyway, at no point did I feel sick, lightheaded, anxious, etc. It was a miracle!

I don't know if I could pull it off again, but I was proud of myself for that one time at least. Anyway, just wanted to share. Sorry this was so long and gross...happier posts to come! :)


Rachel Ricchio said...

we're doing NG tubes right now and im so nervous someone is going to vomit on me too!

Amanda Jones said...

Well it is good that you were able to conquer that fear... but I understand... vomit has to be one of the most disgusting things ever. I was so glad that none of my students threw up in my class last year!