
Hospital & Harry Potter

Just an update for anyone who reads our blog anymore...

I had to spend a night in the hospital last week for "hydronephrosis"--apparently, some kidney problems associated with my pregnancy. Basically, I was in excruciating pain for a few hours until they gave me lots of morphine. I was also contracting every 2 minutes (scary!!!), and the morphine helped that settle down as well.

As if I hadn't already decided this, I am definitely getting an epidural when I have this little girl, because if natural childbirth is anything like what I felt, I will literally die! On a happier note, they pumped me full of fluids, antibiotics, etc., ran lots of tests that were really great (not), and I am much improved :) I did swell up nicely from all the fluids, so sorry folks, no pictures!

Our little girl did great through the whole ordeal and has been kicking away ever since. I just pray for an uneventful remainder of my pregnancy!

On an even better note, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 comes out tomorrow night! Andrew, being the wonderful husband that he is, is taking a half day off on Friday morning to accompany me to the midnight showing tomorrow. I work tonight, so I won't be able to sleep anyway :) Perfect.


Tatum and Chase Rasmussen said...

I'm sorry you had to go through that! Tell that baby to stay in as long as she needs to. Chase and I need to watch all the Harry Potter movies. We saw the last one and didn't really know what was going on. Hope you guys enjoy it:)

Shauny said...

Oh my goodness! I was just in the hospital for that same exact reason!!!!!!!! Twiners!!! I feel you on the pain! its unbarable!