
Happy Spanksgiving.

Title: quote from Jimmy Fallons's Real Housewives of Late Night. Hilarious.

Anyway, Andrew and I just returned from our annual trip to Prescott, AZ for Thanksgiving to visit with his grandparents. The rest of the family drove up (is it up?) from California, and it was such a fun time. It's always nice to get out of your usual environment and see family that you don't see very often!

Andrew and I are so blessed, and I just wanted to make a short list, more for myself, to sum up what we're grateful for this year.

1. Each other, being happily married. Cheesy, but true.
2. College degrees & employment that we like (and health insurance).
3. The Gospel, our membership in the LDS Church.
4. Amazing family on both sides, great relationships.
5. A warm home (winter, ugh).
6. Christmas!!!!
7. Our little baby girl on the way.
8. Good health all around.
9. Baths.
10. Diet Coke (except not much on my part any more...)
11. Nice people in the world who are just kind and honest.
12. Faith, especially because I'm a worrier, and the Lord always makes things work out for us.

That's a short list, and doesn't even begin to touch everything. But, we have been truly blessed this year and would be so ungrateful if we didn't recognize it. So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

And now...bring in CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Ben, Ashley, and Nate said...

We Rasmussen's would love to see a belly photo. Thank you.